Sunday 20 December 2015

Today is going to be another momumentous day I feel.

Doctor Stapleton should come to give me the results of the MRI scan and to confirm if he did in fact get the bulk of it and what this means for me longer term.

I've felt like a bit of a caged animal over the last few days, with no one really telling me anything, its been fairly excruciating. The steroids are making me angry, angry and hungry, it's a lot for my body to cope with. I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday as the doctors where here one second to talk to me and then they were gone, the nurse asked me why I was crying, she said I had to be patient as the doctors were busy and had other people to see but all I've been is bloody patient, waiting to be told anything. Then she told me the Doctor had said I could go home, which was not true but something I'm desperate for, talk about pushing me to breaking point and back

I know I'll get home for Christmas, I know that is achievable, I know that everything is going to work out ok in the end but its just getting there that feels really tough.

God I'm so hungry, why am I so hungry??

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