Friday 15 January 2016


What an absolute contrast today has been from yesterday, thank goodness because I could not have coped with another day like yesterday. But today has run like a dream for me. I had a long list of things to do but I got through it all and its incredibly satisfying ticking things of a long list. I looked after Massimo all day as Filo is now back at work and he was so well behaved he really is such a good boy, he really does make my heart swell with pride. I took him to the park in the afternoon so we got a bit of exercise and we had a lovely time playing.

The food cravings haven't been so crazy today I don't know if it's my mind set that has changed but I feel like I have control again. I made my porridge this morning with water instead of milk to save  a few calories and it filled me up, I've recorded everything I've eaten, I've been really good and I feel so much better for it. The Doctors have said I can come off the steroids from tomorrow too which is fantastic! I may get headaches or feel like I am getting the flu but I'll take paracetamol before I take steroids again.

My friend Sam came to visit with her children Brooklyn and Alysia and they all played so nicely together, Massimo just loves Brooklyn. I was totally overwhelmed as Sam came bearing multiple gifts from colleagues from my old workplace. Some really thoughtful gifts too like vouchers for a massage to relax and for bird world to create new memories and to the cinema to chill I was so touched it really made my day and I can't thank you guys enough it really is so kind of you all.

Best T-shirt EVER!!

Alysia and Massimo helping me open the presents

Team work!

Brooklyn, Alysia and Massimo

It is such a relief to feel like I'm in control again

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